Miguel Ángel Fuentes – I Want To! Formation of the Will


Is it possible to educate a will in which disordered habits
and corrupted vices have grown like weeds? Can we reeducate it when it has gotten off of the right path for
years? Can the will be re-invigorated when it suffers from
a complete failure and is laid out in indolence? It is possible,
always and whenever a work that includes several different
elements is carried out.

We know by faith that our will, just like the other potencies,
has been wounded by original sin; that wound is a
particular weakness in the order of desiring and doing
what is good. Religious practice also has innumerable
means to strengthen the will: the sacraments which give
life, renew, and feed the soul (in particular confession and
reconciliation of the sinner and Eucharistic communion
with the Lord’s Body); the Holy Mass; the life of prayer
and pious practices; the influence of the prayers of other
Christians (the communion of saints), and, in particular,
the intercession of the blessed. There can be no doubt,
then, that the person with serious religious convictions can
count on means that are priceless in value when it comes
to working on their will.




  1. The Three Types of Will
  1. The Fickle and Indecisive Will
  2. The Deluded Will
  3. True Will
  1. Sounding Out the Will
  1. Some Classifications
  2. A General Examination of The Will
  3. “Historical” Examination of The Will
  1. The Deficient Will: Roots and Causes
  1. Impediments To the Voluntary Act
  2. Some Deficiencies That Are More Properly of The Will
  1. Work Regarding the Will’s Motives
  1. The First Order Is of Reason
  2. The Second Is Passional or Affective (Emotional)
  3. Finding “The” Motive
  4. Something More Regarding the Will’s Motives
  1. Work Regarding the Will in The Most Serious Cases
  2. To Educate the Will Through Acts
  1. Goals, Means, And Examinations
  2. Imposing A Penance on Oneself
  3. Other Mean
  4. The Will and Habits
  1. The Will to Concentrate and To Be Distracted
  1. Two-Fold Cognitive Activity
  2. Re-Education Of Receptivity
  3. Re-Education Of Emissivity
  1. The Will and Effort
  1. Effort Against Easiness
  2. Something Practical: The “Non-Negotiables”
  1. Procrastination And Relaxation of The Will
  2. Indecision Or Egoism?
  1. Low Self-Esteem
  2. The Indecision of The Proud
  3. The Cure for Indecision
  1. The Will and Responsibility
  2. Religion And the Formation of The Will
  3. Conclusions



Number of pages: 151

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Weight 0.150 kg


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