M. Raymond, OCSO – The Family that Overtook Christ


He was called the man of his age, the voice of his century.
His influence towered above that of his contemporaries,
and his sanctity moved God Himself. Men flocked
to him – some in wonder, others in curiosity, but all
drawn by the magnetism of his spiritual gianthood.

Bernard of Clairvaux – who or what fashioned him to be suitable
for his role of counseling Popes, healing schisms, battling
errors and filling the world with holy religious and profound
spiritual doctrine? Undoubtedly, Bernard is the product of
God’s grace. But it is hard to say whether this grace is more
evident in Bernard himself or in the extraordinary family
in which God choose to situate this dynamic personality.

This book is the fascinating account of a family that took
seriously the challenge to follow Christ… and to overtake
Him. With warmth and realism, Venerable Tescelin, Blesseds
Alice, Guy, Gerard, Humbeline, Andrew, Bartholomew,
Nivard and St. Bernard step off these pages with the engaging
naturalness that defies imitation. Here is a book that makes
centuries disappear, as each member of this unique family
becomes an inspiration in our own quest of overtaking Christ.






                                                                        PART I ~ THE PARENTS

                                                                        THE GRAND OLD WARRIOR

  1. Scars for Memory
  2. The Duke Rages
  3. Silver Jubilee
  4. Can’t you Pray?
  5. Death on the World’s Most Bitter Battlefield

                                                                        THE MOTHER WHO BECAME A SAINT

  1. God’s Will Be Done
  2. Surrender
  3. Going to God
  4. Love Finds a Way

                                                                        PART II ~ THE ELDER MEMBERS

                                                                        BERNARD’S BIG BROTHER

  1. Are You Serious?
  2. Strange Ways
  3. The “Big-Brother” Complex
  4. My Big Brother Can Help Us Now
  5. Can This Be Madness?

                                                                        THE MAN OF ONE IDEA

  1. Time for Thought
  2. Dennis Visits Citeaux
  3. One Alone
  4. Gerard Visits the Grange
  5. Bernard Bargains with God
  6. Meeting Death with a Song

                                                                        PART III ~ BERNARD

                                                                        THE MAN WHO FELL IN LOVE WITH GOD

  1. Tescelin Brings Back a Runaway
  2. Guy of Marcy’s wife visits Clairvaux
  3. The Cardinal and Chancellor Chat
  4. The Prior and Secretary Disagree
  5. Darkness in the Valley of Light

                                                                        PART IV ~ THE YOUNGER MEMBERS

                                                                        HIS PARTNER IN THE SERVICE OF LOVE

  1. Bittersweet
  2. A Surrender that Cost
  3. Partners in the Service of Love
  4. “How Happy!”
  5. Appreciation

                                                                        THE MAN WHO KEPT THE GATE

  1. Keen Observers
  2. A Mother’s Smile
  3. When All Glamor Is Gone
  4. Thirty Years on the King’s Highway
  5. Nunc Dimittis

                                                                        THE GUILELESS ONE

  1. “I Love the Guileless”
  2. “Flee Not”
  3. “Un Vagabondage Magnifique”
  4. Just Ready for Life at Death

                                                                        THE POOR LITTLE RICH BOY

  1. “When Is One Old Enough?”
  2. Growing Like God
  3. The Gentleman Robber
  4. Unfulfilled Promises
  5. Hidalgos Seek Heaven
  6. The Noblest Knight of Spain Is Dead


Number of pages: 392